I have had a few recreational moments...watching Joseph ride the dirt bike without training wheels for the first time. Only a couple of tumbles. Of course, almost as much fun was watching
John jog along side of him!
For anyone who doesn't know, Katie is getting married in about 6 weeks. June 28th. It is an exciting time for her, unfortunately, I have the dubious honor of having to find a dress to wear. URRRGGGHHH. Anyone who knows me, knows I am not a stylin' kinda person and Katie has many rules. The worst being I cannot wear cat clothing or tie-dye. that certainly limits my choices! I will try to work within my limitations....
this is one of 3 aloe vera plants I got from my grandmother's house, thanks to Cindy who kept them for me until I could get them here to Maine. I transplanted them into their own separate containers...and now they have babies!!! I am a plant midwife! One small step...
Now, now. Never say die. You could wear cat underwear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think that is a FABULOUS idea. then you wouldn't feel so out of it!!!
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