Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Check out Lydia...

For those who just check out the newest post, take the time to scroll down and check out the YouTube under Peaceful Me. I found it to be hysterical!!! And yes, I do plan on more for myself...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I am done, done, done for this term!!!! (Well, as long as I pass the research paper that I already handed in...) No school for 2 weeks!!! What ever shall I do with myself??? Let's see....

Read, knit, ok, some cleaning, and working. Yeah!!!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

The plant midwife strikes!

The proud mama aloe plant...

Baby aloes in the nursery box...

The prodromal plant...waiting....
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And then there was Izzy...

How could you turn down that face??

She looks a bit like Ozzy.
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