Tuesday, August 08, 2006

i almost forgot...

last evening, katie, lily, joseph, seth and i went to the topsham fair. it was fun, until the mosquitos came out to play. joseph was so excited. he loved petting the cows, and he petted many of them. he wasn't so sure about the one that kept trying to lick his arm! lily was petrified of them. they looked at her and she screamed. you should have heard her when they started mooing! i did get her to look over at some that were laying down, but she wasn't going near the ones that were standing! there were piglets, piglets that were nurslings (of course, i got a picture of that !) there were goats and sheep and miniture horses. of course, there were rides. joseph, mr brave and daring, wanted to ride on the tilt-a-wheel. luckily, he settled for the merry-go-round. he did much better than lily did when i took her on one. she screamed the whole time. joseph loved it. we were good while we were there and stayed away from the fried dough. so here are some pics...

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